Get company information through our simple REST API.
If you need help on access or authentication please check our Access Guide below.
To understand the different endpoints and implementations, please click on any of our API sections on the left of your screen.

Request your API Key »

Access and Authentication

We validate all API key requests. After confirmation, you will receive an email with instructions on how to proceed.

To use the API, you must send valid API_ID and API_KEY parameters via headers for each call.


Credits and Limits

We send in every response the following headers allowing you to monitor your credits and limits

X-Credit-Remaininginteger The number of remaining credits
X-Rate-Limit-Limitinteger The limit of calls per period
X-Rate-Limit-Periodstring The limit period
X-Rate-Limit-Remaininginteger The remaining number of calls during the current period

Advanced Company Information


vat_numberstringThe European VAT number to retrieve information from. The service will try to clean user input as much as possible to ensure validation against bad formatted VAT numbers.
The input should at least contain the European country code (2-letters ISO 3166-1) and the country specific significant digits of the VAT number.


inputstringThe VAT number requested (vat_number)
activebooleantrue if the VAT number is an active company, false otherwise
validbooleantrue if the VAT number is a valid VAT number, false if the VAT number is not a valid VAT number
company_namestringThe official company name
start_datedateThe constitution date of company
languagestringCompany language as 2-letter code (en, nl, fr, de)
addressesobjectCompany full address including municipality, street, box, country_code, zip_code, house_number, type, full_address
activitiesstringAll sectors in which company is active according to NACE codes
company_namesstringAll company names of the company
vat_cleanstringThe numeric part of the VAT number requested (digits only)
vat_formattedstringThe formatted VAT number as BE 0###.###.###
phone_numberstringThe official phone number of the company
fax_numberstringThe official fax number of the company
emailstringThe email address of the company
websitestringThe website
establishment_unitsintegerThe number of establishments
juridical_formobjectThe form code of the company
juridical_situationobjectThe official juridical situation code of the company
legal_representative_personsobjectPlease read documentation of API Legal representatives
legal_representative_companiesobjectPlease read documentation of API Legal representatives
statementsobjectPlease read documentation of API Financial Statements
financial_metaobjectFinancial information related to company constitution

Method URL




These requests will return:

    "active": true,
    "input": "BE0844044609",
    "valid": true,
    "identifier": "BE0844044609",
    "language": null,
    "addresses": [
            "municipality": "Etterbeek",
            "street": "Rue des Pères Blancs",
            "box": null,
            "type": {
                "code": "HEAD",
                "schema": "https://api.data.be/2.0/references/type_of_address_codes/BE_ADDRESS",
                "start_date": "2012-02-29",
                "end_date": null
            "country_code": "BE",
            "zip_code": "1040",
            "house_number": "4",
            "full_address": "Rue des Pères Blancs 4, 1040 Etterbeek, Belgique"
    "type": {
        "code": "2",
        "schema": "https://api.data.be/2.0/references/type_codes/BE_TYPE",
        "start_date": null,
        "end_date": null
    "activities": [
            "code": "46510",
            "schema": "https://api.data.be/2.0/references/activity_codes/NACE_2008",
            "classification": "SECO",
            "start_date": "2012-03-01",
            "end_date": null
            "code": "70210",
            "schema": "https://api.data.be/2.0/references/activity_codes/NACE_2008",
            "classification": "SECO",
            "start_date": "2012-03-01",
            "end_date": null
            "code": "62090",
            "schema": "https://api.data.be/2.0/references/activity_codes/NACE_2008",
            "classification": "SECO",
            "start_date": "2012-03-01",
            "end_date": null
            "code": "62020",
            "schema": "https://api.data.be/2.0/references/activity_codes/NACE_2008",
            "classification": "MAIN",
            "start_date": "2013-05-15",
            "end_date": null
            "code": "62010",
            "schema": "https://api.data.be/2.0/references/activity_codes/NACE_2008",
            "classification": "MAIN",
            "start_date": "2017-06-07",
            "end_date": null
    "company_names": [
            "code": "002",
            "schema": "https://api.data.be/2.0/references/name_codes/BE_COMPANYNAME",
            "language": "fr",
            "value": "DATA",
            "start_date": "2012-02-29",
            "end_date": null
            "code": "001",
            "schema": "https://api.data.be/2.0/references/name_codes/BE_COMPANYNAME",
            "language": "fr",
            "value": "Data.be",
            "start_date": "2012-02-29",
            "end_date": null
    "vat_clean": "0844044609",
    "vat_formatted": "BE 0844.044.609",
    "company_name": "Data.be",
    "start_date": "2012-02-29",
    "phone_number": null,
    "fax_number": null,
    "email": null,
    "website": null,
    "establishment_units": 1,
    "juridical_form": {
        "code": "015",
        "schema": "https://api.data.be/2.0/references/juridical_form_codes/BE_FORM",
        "start_date": "2012-02-29",
        "end_date": null
    "juridical_situation": {
        "code": "000",
        "schema": "https://api.data.be/2.0/references/juridical_situation_codes/BE_SITUATION",
        "start_date": "2012-02-29",
        "end_date": null
    "data_urls": [],
    "legal_representative_persons": {
        "total": 2,
        "uri": "https://api.data.be/2.0/companies/BE0844044609/legal_representative_persons"
    "legal_representative_companies": {
        "total": 2,
        "uri": "https://api.data.be/2.0/companies/BE0844044609/legal_representative_companies"
    "statements": {
        "total": 4,
        "uri": "https://api.data.be/2.0/companies/BE0844044609/statements"
    "financial_meta": {
        "capital": 20000,
        "exceptional_fiscal_year_begin": "2012-02-29",
        "exceptional_fiscal_year_end": "2012-12-31",
        "annual_meeting_month": "6",
        "fiscal_year_end_day": "31",
        "fiscal_year_end_month": "12"

Financial Statements


vat_numberstringThe European VAT number to retrieve information from. The service will try to clean user input as much as possible to ensure validation against bad formatted VAT numbers.
The input should at least contain the European country code (2-letters ISO 3166-1) and the country specific significant digits of the VAT number.


totalintegerThe amount of Annual Reports the API has fetched (generally, one for each year)
vat_validbooleantrue if the VAT number is a valid Belgian VAT number, false otherwise
urilinkLink to the official document
vat_formattedstringThe formatted VAT number as BE 0###.###.###
yearintegerYear of the report
employeesintegerNumber of employees in the firm in that year
turnoverdoubleThe turnover of the company in that year
equitydoubleThe amount of equity on the company's balance sheet
revisorsobjectPersonal name, address, company name of the accountant of the company
account_datedateThe date of the Annual Report, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
current_assetsdoubleNumber of current assets on the balance sheet
gross_operating_margindoubleThe gross operating margin
tangible_fixed_assetsdoubleThe amount of tangible fixed assets on the balance sheet
gain_loss_perioddoubleThe amount of loss or profit the company has made that year according to the income statement
current_ratiodoubleReturns the Current Ratio, which is a ratio of Current Assets on Current Liabilities. Financial analists use this ratio to assess the liquidity of the company.
net_cashdoubleThe amount of cash on the balance sheet, in EUR
self_financing_degreedoubleAn indicator as a percentage of both the historical profitability of a company and its dividend and reserve policy
return_on_equitydoubleThe return the company has made in that year relative to equity (in percentages). This is computed by dividing Net Income by the Book Value of equity.
added_valuedoubleThe added value is a relevant indicator of the overall performance of a company. Macroeconomically, it is equal to the difference between the production value and the consumption of goods and services.

Method URL




These requests will return:

    "total": 4,
    "vat_valid": true,
    "list": [
            "uri": "https://api.data.be/2.0/BE0844044609/statements/xbrl_0844044609-2016-64900505",
            "identifier": "xbrl_0844044609-2016-64900505",
            "year": 2015,
            "employees": 1,
            "turnover": null,
            "equity": 58527,
            "revisors": [
                    "type": "ParticipantRepresentative",
                    "company_name": "Cobofisca SPRL",
                    "last_name": "Trog",
                    "first_name": "Peter",
                    "profession": "Comptable",
                    "id_number": "30127085",
                    "address": {
                        "municipality": "Erpe",
                        "street": "Kleine Steenweg",
                        "box": null,
                        "country_code": "BE",
                        "zip_code": "9420",
                        "house_number": "2",
                        "full_address": "Kleine Steenweg 2 , 9420 Erpe, België"
                    "mandate_code": null,
                    "mandate_start_date": null,
                    "mandate_end_date": null,
                    "schema": "https://api.data.be/2.0/references/mandate_codes/BE_MANDATE"
            "account_date": "2015-12-31",
            "current_assets": 148666,
            "gross_operating_margin": 95299,
            "tangible_fixed_assets": 1028,
            "gain_loss_period": 30457,
            "current_ratio": null,
            "net_cash": null,
            "self_financing_degree": 25.65,
            "return_on_equity": 52.04,
            "added_value": null
            "uri": "https://api.data.be/2.0/BE0844044609/statements/xbrl_0844044609-2015-61200122",
            "identifier": "xbrl_0844044609-2015-61200122",
            "year": 2014,
            "employees": null,
            "turnover": null,
            "equity": 28071,
            "revisors": [
                    "type": "ParticipantRepresentative",
                    "company_name": "Cobofisca",
                    "last_name": "Trog",
                    "first_name": "Peter",
                    "profession": null,
                    "id_number": "30127085",
                    "address": {
                        "municipality": null,
                        "street": "Kleine Steenweg",
                        "box": null,
                        "country_code": "BE",
                        "zip_code": "9420",
                        "house_number": "2",
                        "full_address": "Kleine Steenweg 2 , 9420 , België"
                    "mandate_code": null,
                    "mandate_start_date": null,
                    "mandate_end_date": null,
                    "schema": "https://api.data.be/2.0/references/mandate_codes/BE_MANDATE"
            "account_date": "2014-12-31",
            "current_assets": 99560,
            "gross_operating_margin": 79382,
            "tangible_fixed_assets": 2279,
            "gain_loss_period": 33501,
            "current_ratio": null,
            "net_cash": null,
            "self_financing_degree": 7.93,
            "return_on_equity": 119.34,
            "added_value": null
            "uri": "https://api.data.be/2.0/BE0844044609/statements/xbrl_0844044609-2014-60300330",
            "identifier": "xbrl_0844044609-2014-60300330",
            "year": 2013,
            "employees": 1,
            "turnover": null,
            "equity": -5430,
            "revisors": [],
            "account_date": "2013-12-31",
            "current_assets": 29932,
            "gross_operating_margin": 20280,
            "tangible_fixed_assets": 2301,
            "gain_loss_period": -9556,
            "current_ratio": null,
            "net_cash": null,
            "self_financing_degree": null,
            "return_on_equity": 175.99,
            "added_value": null
            "uri": "https://api.data.be/2.0/BE0844044609/statements/xbrl_0844044609-2013-62600319",
            "identifier": "xbrl_0844044609-2013-62600319",
            "year": 2012,
            "employees": null,
            "turnover": null,
            "equity": 4126,
            "revisors": [],
            "account_date": "2012-12-31",
            "current_assets": 6137,
            "gross_operating_margin": -14268,
            "tangible_fixed_assets": null,
            "gain_loss_period": -15874,
            "current_ratio": null,
            "net_cash": null,
            "self_financing_degree": null,
            "return_on_equity": -384.73,
            "added_value": null
    "vat_input": "BE0844044609",
    "vat_clean": "0844044609",
    "vat_formatted": "BE 0844.044.609"

Bank Accounts


vat_numberstringThe European VAT number to retrieve information from. The service will try to clean user input as much as possible to ensure validation against bad formatted VAT numbers.
The input should at least contain the European country code (2-letters ISO 3166-1) and the country specific significant digits of the VAT number.
iban_numberstringThe bank account number in IBAN format


vat_inputstringThe VAT number requested
vat_validbooleantrue if the VAT number is a valid Belgian VAT number, false otherwise
vat_cleanstringThe numeric part of the VAT number requested (only digits)
vat_formattedstringThe formatted VAT number as BE 0###.###.###
iban_inputstringThe bank account number requested
iban_validbooleanTrue if the bank account number is a valid bank account number, false otherwise
iban_cleanstringThe bank account number in IBAN format
iban_formattedstringThe formatted IBAN number as BE## #### #### ####
iban_knownbooleanTrue if we have the IBAN number, false otherwise
bicstringThe bic number for the bank
iban_start_datedateThe date the bank account started, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD

Method URL




These requests will return:

    "vat_input": "BE0844044609",
    "vat_valid": true,
    "vat_clean": "0844044609",
    "vat_formatted": "BE 0844.044.609",
    "iban_input": "BE49735030379071",
    "iban_valid": true,
    "iban_clean": "BE49735030379071",
    "iban_formatted": "BE49 7350 3037 9071",
    "iban_known": true,
    "bic": "KREDBEBB",
    "iban_start_date": "2012-02-29"

Bank Accounts By Vat


vat_numberstringThe European VAT number to retrieve information from. The service will try to clean user input as much as possible to ensure validation against bad formatted VAT numbers.
The input should at least contain the European country code (2-letters ISO 3166-1) and the country specific significant digits of the VAT number.


totalintegerThe amount of bank accounts the API has fetched
vat_validbooleantrue if the VAT number is a valid Belgian VAT number, false otherwise
iban_validbooleanTrue if the bank account number is a valid bank account number, false otherwise
iban_cleanstringThe bank account number in IBAN format
iban_formattedstringThe formatted IBAN number as BE## #### #### ####
iban_knownbooleanTrue if we have the IBAN number, false otherwise
bicstringThe bic number for the bank
iban_start_datedateThe date the bank account started, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
vat_inputstringThe VAT number requested
vat_cleanstringThe numeric part of the VAT number requested (only digits)
vat_formattedstringThe formatted VAT number as BE 0###.###.###

Method URL




These requests will return:

    "total": 1,
    "vat_valid": true,
    "list": [
            "vat_input": "0844044609",
            "vat_valid": true,
            "vat_clean": "0844044609",
            "vat_formatted": "BE 0844.044.609",
            "iban_input": null,
            "iban_valid": true,
            "iban_clean": "BE08735028530213",
            "iban_formatted": "BE08 7350 2853 0213",
            "iban_known": true,
            "bic": "KREDBEBB",
            "iban_start_date": "2012-02-29"
    "vat_input": "0844044609",
    "vat_clean": "0844044609",
    "vat_formatted": "BE 0844.044.609"

Bank Accounts By Iban


iban_numberstringThe bank account number in IBAN format


vat_inputstringNull as no vat is provided
vat_validbooleanTrue if the fetched VAT number is a valid Belgian VAT number, false otherwise
vat_cleanstringThe numeric part of the fetched VAT number (only digits)
vat_formattedstringThe formatted VAT number as BE 0###.###.###
iban_inputstringThe bank account number requested
iban_validbooleanTrue if the bank account number is a valid bank account number, false otherwise
iban_cleanstringThe bank account number in IBAN format
iban_formattedstringThe formatted IBAN number as BE## #### #### ####
iban_knownbooleanTrue if we have the IBAN number, false otherwise
bicstringThe bic number for the bank
iban_start_datedateThe date the bank account started, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD

Method URL




These requests will return:

    "vat_input": null,
    "vat_valid": true,
    "vat_clean": "0844044609",
    "vat_formatted": "BE 0844.044.609",
    "iban_input": "BE49735030379071",
    "iban_valid": true,
    "iban_clean": "BE49735030379071",
    "iban_formatted": "BE49 7350 3037 9071",
    "iban_known": true,
    "bic": "KREDBEBB",
    "iban_start_date": "2012-02-29"



vat_numberstringThe European VAT number to retrieve information from. The service will try to clean user input as much as possible to ensure validation against bad formatted VAT numbers.
The input should at least contain the European country code (2-letters ISO 3166-1) and the country specific significant digits of the VAT number.


totalintegerThe amount of stake holders mentioned in the Annual Reports
vat_validbooleantrue if the VAT number is a valid Belgian VAT number, false otherwise
typestringType of stakeholder
company_namestringCompany name of the stakeholder
last_namestringLast name of the stakeholder
first_namestringFirst name of the stakeholder
professionstringProfession of the stakeholder
id_numberstringThe official number of the stakeholder. e.g. auditor registration number
addressobjectThe address of the stakeholder
mandate_codestringThe code of the mandate the stakeholder has in the company
mandate_start_datedateThe start date of the mandate
mandate_end_datedateThe end date of the mandate
schemauriLink to the list of mandate codes
source_datedateDate of the extracted information source

Method URL




These requests will return:

    "total": 2,
    "vat_valid": true,
    "list": [
            "type": "AdministratorEntity-ParticipantRepresentative",
            "company_name": "VIRTUALISERS SPRL",
            "last_name": "Vanagt",
            "first_name": "Toon",
            "profession": null,
            "id_number": null,
            "address": {
                "municipality": null,
                "street": "Anneessensstraat",
                "box": null,
                "country_code": "BE",
                "zip_code": "1000",
                "house_number": "22",
                "full_address": "Anneessensstraat 22 , 1000 , Belgique"
            "mandate_code": null,
            "mandate_start_date": null,
            "mandate_end_date": null,
            "schema": "https://api.data.be/2.0/references/mandate_codes/BE_MANDATE",
            "source_date": "2015-12-31"
            "type": "AdministratorEntity-ParticipantRepresentative",
            "company_name": "Lambda Mind SPRL",
            "last_name": "Rodriquez",
            "first_name": "Eric",
            "profession": null,
            "id_number": null,
            "address": {
                "municipality": null,
                "street": "Rue Baron de Castro",
                "box": null,
                "country_code": "BE",
                "zip_code": "1040",
                "house_number": "82",
                "full_address": "Rue Baron de Castro 82 , 1040 , Belgique"
            "mandate_code": null,
            "mandate_start_date": null,
            "mandate_end_date": null,
            "schema": "https://api.data.be/2.0/references/mandate_codes/BE_MANDATE",
            "source_date": "2015-12-31"
    "vat_input": "BE0844044609",
    "vat_clean": "0844044609",
    "vat_formatted": "BE 0844.044.609"

European VAT Check


vat_numberstringThe European VAT number to validate. The service will try to clean user input as much as possible to ensure validation against bad formatted VAT numbers.
The input should at least contain the European country code (2-letters ISO 3166-1) and the country specific significant digits of the VAT number.


countryCodestringThe country code of the VAT number requested
vatNumberstringThe numeric part of the VAT number requested
requestDatedateThe request date
validbooleantrue if the VAT number is a valid European VAT number, false otherwise
namestringThe company name
addressstringThe company full address

Method URL




These requests will return:

    "country_code": "BE",
    "vat_number": "0844044609",
    "request_date": "2018-08-23",
    "valid": true,
    "name": "SPRL DATA.BE",
    "address": "RUE DES PÈRES BLANCS 4\n1040 ETTERBEEK"

Company guess


company_namestring Search query in companies name
identifierstring Search query in companies identifier
activeboolean whether to search only in active companies or not.


activebooleanTrue if the VAT number is an active company, false otherwise
languagestringCompany language as 2-letter code (en, nl, fr, de)
company_namestringThe official company name
main_addressobjectCompany main address including municipality, street, box, Country_code, zip_code, house_number, full_address
start_datedateThe constitution date of company
main_activityobjectMain sector in which company is active
vat_cleanstringThe numeric part of the VAT number requested (digits only)
vat_formattedstringThe formatted VAT number as BE 0###.###.###
typestringEntity type
juridical_formobjectThe form code of the company
juridical_situationobjectThe official juridical situation code of the company
uristringThe uri to the advanced company information

Method URL

POST https://api.data.be/2.0/companies/guess 


POST https://api.data.be/2.0/companies/guess
    "active": "true",
    "company_name": "data",
    "identifier": "0844044609"

These requests will return:

    "total": 3,
    "companies": [
          "active": true,
          "identifier": "BE0844044609",
          "language": null,
          "company_name": "Data.be",
          "main_address": {
            "municipality": "Etterbeek",
            "street": "Rue des Pères Blancs",
            "box": null,
            "country_code": "BE",
            "zip_code": "1040",
            "house_number": "4",
            "full_address": "Rue des Pères Blancs 4, 1040 Etterbeek, Belgique"
          "start_date": "2012-02-29",
          "main_activity": {
            "code": "62010",
            "schema": "https://api.data.be/2.0/references/activity_codes/NACE_2008",
            "classification": "MAIN",
            "start_date": "2017-06-07",
            "end_date": null
          "vat_clean": "0844044609",
          "vat_formatted": "BE 0844.044.609",
          "type": {
            "code": "2",
            "schema": "https://api.data.be/2.0/references/type_codes/BE_TYPE",
            "start_date": null,
            "end_date": null
          "juridical_form": {
            "code": "015",
            "schema": "https://api.data.be/2.0/references/juridical_form_codes/BE_FORM",
            "start_date": "2012-02-29",
            "end_date": null
          "juridical_situation": {
            "code": "000",
            "schema": "https://api.data.be/2.0/references/juridical_situation_codes/BE_SITUATION",
            "schematart_date": "2012-02-29",
            "end_date": null
          "uri": "https://api.data.be/2.0/companies/BE0844044609/info"